At Psychological Safety Australia we understand that good work is good for people and that people’s workplace experience is a determinant of mental health outcomes.
We know that for many organisations, the way that job roles were designed was not necessarily aligned with how they are being undertaken now. While job outcomes and outputs may be consistent, the demands upon people to achieve these are higher than ever, and the complexity in which people operate is ever increasing.
Our programs operationalise the latest research to help people, teams and organisations navigate the complexities of our modern working world. Drawing from the latest research into social psychology, behavioural ethics, and workplace mental health, our programs are not just about the mitigation of psychosocial risk and addressing workplace behaviour, but improving decision-making, resilience, engagement, innovation, performance, and productivity.
Our evidence-based programs enable you to get proactive.
All our courses can be delivered Australia wide, with all course leaders experts in the complexities of modern workplaces, individual and workplace psychology as well as facilitating behaviour change.
Promoting high performance cultures defined by innovation and productivity in workplace environments characterised by high pressure and fast-paced change.
Empowering leaders to support, nurture, and grow their teams.
Mental Health & Wellbeing
Building a psychosocially informed approach to managing workplace mental health and wellbeing.
Workplace Conduct
Preventing workplace bullying, harassment, discrimination and developing appropriate workplace behaviour.
Ethics and Integrity
Increasing individual and team ethical decision-making capabilities and building high integrity workplace environments.
Developing assertiveness and advanced interpersonal capabilities for both remote, mixed, and traditional ways of working.
Safety and risk
Enabling risk management capabilities through culture and leadership.
Developing individual strengths to thrive amid challenging situations.
The Founder
Brock is a professor of psychology and registered practicing psychologist with keen interest in understanding why people do what they do. His research and applied experience combine to create innovative and practical insights into the motivations, cognitive biases, psychosocial factors and unconscious influences that govern human behaviour.
Brock is keenly aware of the complexities and pressures that people face in order to survive in the modern world, and believes that personal insight, good communication, and effective decision-making are key to thriving in challenging environments.

Professor Brock Bastian
Professor Brock Bastian is an internationally acclaimed researcher, author, speaker, who has spent the last 20 years seeking to understand the various social and cultural factors that impact on mental health, wellbeing, and decision-making. His research and writing have been regularly featured in outlets such as The Economist, The New Yorker, TIME, Forbes, Fast Company, and Harvard Business Review and he is recognised as a thought leader in the fields of Psychological Safety, Psychosocial Risk, Safety Culture, Behavioural Ethics, and Mental Health.
Awarded for his innovative ideas, Brock brings scientific insights on culture, communication, wellbeing, and behavioural ethics to address a range of organisational challenges. His work has revealed how underlying motivations and cognitive biases influence decision-making and behaviour, and how these subtle and often unconscious influences may shape organisations from the bottom up as well as the top down.
Brock has provided consultancy to organisations globally on issues such as workplace mental health, integrity, workplace behaviour, and workplace culture and has developed cutting edge programs drawing on the very latest knowledge within psychology. Part of Brock’s passion is to communicate innovative knowledge in a way that is accessible, applied, and practical.